Schoeffner Farm

Kankakee County, Illinois
Township of Pembroke
159 Acres
150 Tillable Acres

Kankakee County, Illinois
Township of Pembroke
Section 7-30N-10W

  • 159 Total
  • 150 Tillable
  • 130 Irrigated
  • 9 Non-Tillable
Soils-3 Primary Types
  • 58.8% Watseka loamy fine sand
    FSA Ratings: 122 corn, 41 soybeans

  • 21.1% Morocco loamy fine sand
    FSA Ratings: 112 corn, 39 soybeans

  • 6.6% Oakville fine sand
    FSA Ratings: 106 corn, 38 soybeans

  • Weighted Average: 118.3 corn, 40.3 soybeans
Total Acres
Tillable Acres
Percentage of Portfolio Irrigated